Letters to Permanent Representatives of EU Member States ahead of the European Union and African Union Leaders Summit

On 9 December select Leaders of the African Union and European Union meet to progress negotiations on the new EU Africa Partnership Strategy. Ahead of the meeting, which predes a Summit in 2021, Climate Action Network Europe sent the letters below on the subjects of civil society participation, and on the role of climate action in multilateralism and building back better.

The letter on civil society consultation and participation was sent on behalf of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) European Civil Society group, which brings together European civil society platforms and organisations around the implementation of the JAES. It highlights the roles of civil society in promoting democracy and good governance, peace, and wellbeing, and implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will be key objectives of the future EU-Africa partnership. It asks that effective consultation be conducted by the EU with civil society throughout the development of the partnership, and that the months leading to the AU-EU summit in 2021 offer an opportunity to involve civil society at all levels of political and policy dialogues.

Click here to read the letter JAES Letter – EU AU Leaders Meeting 9 Dec

The letter from Climate Action Network Europe on the role of climate action in multilateralism and building back better.was sent to the European Council President, EU High Representative/Vice-President, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, and to Permanent Representatives of EU Member States, COREPER II. The COVID-19 crisis has demanded a reorientation of the new EU Africa Partnership’s strategic priorities, and underscored the need to address systemic inequalities and vulnerabilities. The European Union must therefore ensure that its future partnership is orientated around supporting African countries make a green and resilient recovery, and around developing alliances to advance multilateral solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises.

Click here to read the letter CAN Europe Letter – EU AU Leaders Meeting 9 Dec